“Thank you for being so hard on me when I was your student. I used to believe my technical skills were all I needed to break into my field, but I now understand I need so much more than just interesting coding projects and math to reach my full potential as an engineer. Your instruction regarding resumes and interviews gave me the professional people skills I needed to earn this internship, and your instruction on professional reports to the "higher ups" is allowing my team and me to stand out to our superiors. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to become the best version of myself.”

- Tech entrepreneur from the USA, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University

"You are quite simply the best professor and mentor that I have ever had. I am so grateful for your invaluable instruction and encouragement, but most of all I am grateful that you pushed me to expect more from myself. Consequently, my communication skills have reached a level which I would have thought was unattainable prior to taking your class. I am now able to confidently navigate professional environments, and my experience working with you has taught me to never settle for anything less than my best efforts."

- Graduate candidate from the USA, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University

“Finally, in this semester, Ms. Clark took me into a new learning mode, which improved my time management ability, writing ability, and how to think about problems from the mind of a manager. It’s very helpful that not only for apply the MBA, but also to play a great role in the future.”

- MBA candidate from China, MBA Application Prep, San Francisco State University

“Your instruction and guidance have not gone unnoticed. Though most of the class are using a college education to qualify for a job, I am applying what you have taught to my own business. My success is a reflection of your effort in the classroom and I am grateful for that.”

- Real estate agent, veteran, from the USA, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University

“I will also be recommending your class as the best starting point to new students. I credit your teaching style to my success at getting straight A's since starting the graduate degree.”

- Healthcare professional from the USA, Elements of Graduate Business Writing, San Francisco State University

“Before this course, my reading practice and stamina was equal to zero. However now I am able to read more than 2 hours without losing focus or getting frustrated.”

- Undergraduate student from Saudi Arabia, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University

“My patience has improved significantly. I concentrated and followed the directions more carefully than before.”

- MBA candidate from China, MBA Application Prep, San Francisco State University

“Your class is the best part of my week.”

- Mother from Yemen, Parents ESL, San Francisco Unified School District

“Your class has helped me improve as a person and kept me at it.”

- Police Officer in the USA, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University


“Thank you very much indeed, Ms. Clark, for being one of the most patient and helpful teachers I have ever known.”

- Undergraduate student from Myanmar, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University

“Thank you SOOooooo much for all of your help. I can’t thank you enough for your great feedback and your words of encouragement. You helped me so much!”

- ESL professional and social justice advocate from the USA & France

“You are brilliant.”

- Sales professional from the USA


“If I had not had you as my teacher this semester, my life would be incredibly different. I’m not saying it would be bad – but you opened my eyes to what I could be, what I could do, in a way that I’ve never thought possible. You took a kid from Penrith and made her want to see the world and beyond.

I still remember your advice in the Zoom meeting. You said very detailly and instructively. You would try many ways to inspire my brainstorm, stimulate my creative inspiration. In each assignment, you wrote a constructive comment generously, and it made me learn a lot. And your friendly smile is like encouragement, and it's my motivation for persistence. 

You have changed my learning aspect; I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Your encouragement and persistence in my junior years have taught me how to get success, and it’s all down to me. I am capable, but it will take hard work and lots of dedication.

Thank you.”

- Undergraduate student, Business Communication for Professionals, San Francisco State University