Tips to get the most out of college and graduate school:

  • Meet your academic advisor and get their feedback. They will help you stay on track and optimize your course selections.

  • Join a school club or organization for fun. Meeting people who like what you like helps everything.

  • Find out out how to contact Academic Technology because they will help you sort out problems with email and navigating course sites. Don’t guess. Find out.

  • Go to your professors’ office hours. Introduce yourself and ask questions. The professors who know you are much more likely to help you, including writing recommendation letters for internships, graduate schools, and employment. Say thank you for their assistance.

  • Get to class early or on time. Sit near the professor. On Zoom have your camera on. Being visible helps everyone.

  • Take notes in notebooks with a pen or pencil for all your courses. Writing things down helps them stick in your brain more than typing on screens.

  • Look clean and neat. This doesn’t mean fancy, but because school is also about networking, you want to be seen as work-ready.

  • Unless you are sick, get to class. Better to be late, looking less than great, and the homework not done than not show up at all. The better professors will notice. They keep track of who comes and who doesn’t.

  • Be honest about how you get your best work done. Do your best work.

  • Get research help from the librarians. They know tricks to find the data you need. They are paid to help you and love what they do.